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01/11/11…How to attract media, visitors and funding

On 01/11/2011 At 12:00 am

Category : Business News

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IF you are a small or medium sized enterprise, give two hours of your time and we?ll give you practical ideas and suggestions to help improve your profits. There are four ?how to? sessions: increase your media coverage; use events to attract more people; apply for and use LEADER funds; encourage visitors to stay in the area and spend money in your business. Each session is led by an expert in their field.

DATE & TIME: Wednesday 9 November. Start: 2.00pm for 2.30pm. Close 4.30pm
VENUE: Millets Farm Centre, near Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX13 5HB 01865 391169 LINK

?Getting media attention? BBC Oxford?s Wesley Smith will be talking about radio, TV and on-line coverage. What are journalists looking for? Why would they feature your product or business? What will make them cover your event? Wesley knows his subject inside out, he knows the local area very well and is an entertaining speaker.

?Events ? why it?s worth the effort? Sarah Osborne from TEAM discusses the benefits of events ? from small scale wine-tasting or book signings up to themed weekends and full-scale town events. Paul Bellchambers, The Late Chef and organiser of Wallingford Food Festival, will be bringing his experiences of what has worked (and what has not) during his years in the food industry. What are some of the immediate positive effects as well as the longer lasting opportunities to build your brand and expand your customer base?

?LEADER funding ? what is it and how to get it? This is a short session led by Kate Forrest who has helped a number of businesses develop their ideas assisted by the LEADER fund. If you want more information in advance, log onto: LINK

?Getting a slice of the visitor pound? Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, England?s historic market towns, proximity to London and Oxford, Midsomer Murders ? these are just a few of the things that bring millions of visitors into Southern Oxfordshire. How can you get more of them to visit you? Sarah Osborne looks at ways you can use the assets of the local area to enhance your product; whilst Susie Hunt from the visitor attraction, Waterperry Gardens, tells us how she gets people through the door by making a small marketing budget go a long way.

A FREE event organised by the economic development team of South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse District Councils –

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