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Oxfordshire Ideal Green Homeshow, 24 April 2010 – (From

On 12/03/2010 At 12:00 am

Category : More News

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FEATURING local Eco-renovation suppliers and home eco-renovation case studies, this will bring together an exchange of ideas and experiences.

Practitioners, businesses and community enterprises are pioneering eco-renovation pathways, and an increasing number of home owners are showing how it is possible to slash heating bills and make their homes warmer, brighter and more desirable.

About 25 different organisations and professionals including architects, builders, material suppliers and energy experts will take part to introduce ecovation possibilities and up-to-date procedures and techniques.

There will be presentations from eco renovation professionals and from local eco renovators who have done it themselves and are ready to share there experiences with the growing numbers of people choosing to save cash as well as of carbon, by eco renovating.

Whether you have just moved into a new house and want to eco-renovate it from the base upwards or whether you want to add more eco features to your urban flat – you will get an idea of what can be done and who might be able to help you with your personal plans.

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