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‘Peoples’ Vote’ campaigners to take the train to lobby MP

On 17/09/2018 At 10:18 pm

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ON Sunday, September 30, a group of normal people from Thame will gather at Haddenham and take a train. They won’t be going to their day jobs.

Robin Storey

Instead, cross party and no party Peoples Vote supporters will be heading to Birmingham on the 0900 to call on John Howell MP to join the campaign for a Peoples Vote at the Conservative Party Conference.

Robin Storey, Founder member of the Open Britain Thame group, and campaigner for a Peoples’ Vote on the Government’s final Brexit deal, explained: “A botched no-deal or bad deal Brexit will leave the Constituency in a mess. We’re asking John Howell MP to take a lead and help find a way out from party infighting, along with other like-minded moderate Conservative MPs. It’s no longer good enough to say things are fine with Brexit, as we know so much more about the adverse effects on real people.”

Nobody voted to be poorer

“These national issues are also local issues – nobody in Oxfordshire voted to be poorer and all voters feel increasingly deceived, with livelihoods threatened by a Brexit that isn’t going well,” he added.

“We’re conducting a survey of local business to add local data and views to the national picture.

“Every Saturday, Peoples Vote stalls are being held in Thame at 2pm to sign up supporters, and a national march will take place in London on October 20, calling for a Peoples Vote on the terms of the final Brexit deal. Over 100,000 attended the last march, including many from Thame.

“We’d like to talk again with John Howell MP at one of these constituency events or in Birmingham. Specifically, we’d like to talk about jobs and weakening investment. BMW Mini in Cowley have warned publicly of the threat to their supply chain. Jaguar LandRover have also warned that many thousands of jobs are at risk by a no deal Brexit.

“High tech business around Oxford wonder why they are losing qualified EU staff, who no longer feel welcome. Commuters who live in Thame are worried. JP Morgan and many other firms have recently announced jobs moving out of the City, taking with them key parts of our tax base and capability.

In the Retail sector,John Lewis have blamed Brexit as one reason for poor recent results.”

NHS and public services

Robin continued: “We’d like to talk about how this affects the NHS and funding for all our public services if the economy and tax base does less well, outside of the EU single market and customs union, with much less comprehensive and efficient trade arrangements than we currently have.

“Staff shortages at the John Radcliffe are a problem already, as EU staff return home, leading to ward closures.

“In future, the Treasury’s own figures show 7% less cumulative economic growth through to 2030 with no deal. How will these services be funded?

“These are the sorts of issues we’re asking our MP to engage with at a time like this. That’s why we’ve been calling on John Howell MP to support the Peoples Vote on the terms of the final Brexit deal and why we’ll be in Birmingham.

“See you on the 0900 from Haddenham on Sunday, September 30!” Robin concluded.

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  1. If we don’t leave it up to the government MPs to leave the eu, we will be in limbo for years, nothing will get resolved, and the economy will suffer, we need to get out now, so we can get on with business and trade,

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