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Buddie cycle commute day to support Thame-Haddenham cycle route

On 31/07/2018 At 12:43 am

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

Responses : 3 Comments

TO celebrate Cycle to Work Day 2018 on Wednesday, August 15, the Haddenham to Thame Cycleway group (CycleHAT) is organizing a free buddy scheme to escort want-to-cycle commuters between Thame Town Hall and Haddenham & Thame Parkway train station during the morning commute.

Image courtesy of

The hope is that a number of commuters who usually drive to the station will be inspired to ditch the car and cycle instead on the day – enjoying some fresh air, exercise and saving the expense of a car parking ticket. As a reward for cycle commuters’ efforts, the Little Italy café at the Haddenham & Thame Parkway station is kindly providing a complimentary cup of coffee for those taking part.

On the day, a pool of experienced cyclists (buddies) will personally escort those who are not familiar with the commute by bicycle. Trips to the train station will leave at regular intervals between 7am and  9am. Cyclists wishing to reserve a space, are invited to visit indicating your preferred departure time on the basis that ~30 minutes should be allowed for the trip. Riders only need to bring a roadworthy bicycle, a helmet, and a lock. Optionally, a set of lights and a waterproof may be prudent depending on the weather and your expected time of return.

The event is being organised in order to promote awareness for the need for an improved cycle-friendly route between Thame and Haddenham, with the aim to realise a safer means of cycling for the benefits of local commuters, families, and children.

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  1. A very good question! This route has been campaigned for, researched, had feasibility studies done for it, various nice words expressed by the two county councils involved (Bucks CC and Oxfordshire CC), it’s been said to be part of ‘Transport policey’ but nothing has been forthcoming – probably to do with local authority cuts, and the necessity to have to prioritise social care, education etc. I do believe Thame Town Council has some Section 106 mmoney from developers put aside from it and it is an aspiration in Thame’s Neighbourhood Plan and Green Living Plan (currently out for consultation). SUSTRANS have also been involved. We cyclists live in hope!

  2. I am due to move to Thame later this year, and have been looking everywhere for news on this supposed commuter route between Thame and the station in Haddenham. Is there a reason it hasn’t been funded, or that all news seems to have stopped?

    Surely there is a huge desire for this, to improve a lot of people’s commute significantly, and to reduce the amount of cars on the roads.

  3. We need a safe, properly lit walking and cycle route from Thame to Haddenham. What’s stopping it happening? Money? Political will?

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