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Make it a cracking August with fresh, native lobster at The Thatch

On 11/08/2016 At 12:21 am

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IT’S lobster season and The Thatch in Thame is marking the occasion with a month of mouth-watering weekend specials dedicated to this amazing British produce.


Native grilled lobster-Avocado, Pink grapefruit and cashew-salad

Native grilled lobster-Avocado, Pink grapefruit and cashew-salad

Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening in August, the chefs at The Thatch will be creating a special dish made with the best, freshest native lobster they can get their hands on. There will be a different dish each week, chalked up onto the specials board until it runs out.

“We’ve been on the hunt for the finest native lobster to serve our guests and have found it, caught by local fishermen off the Brixham coast,” said Tom Upham, Head Chef at The Thatch. “We’re proud to work closely with one of the most experienced, lobster fishermen in Devon, Rob Adams, who is born and bred in Brixham and has been fishing the local waters for over thirty years.

“His small day-boat, The Little Pearl, puts out to sea at the crack of dawn each morning to inspect the lobster pots he has set on the sea bed a short distance from the shore. Reaching carefully into the pot, he only picks the lobsters when they’re at their peak and of the very highest quality, ensuring that the fishing remains sustainable and only the best lobster is selected. He rushes his catch back to shore and delivers it the very next day, ready to put on the plate.”

Not only is native lobster the freshest it can be, it is also packed full of flavour, making this British seafood simply the best. Now it’s available every weekend at the pub in three stunning dishes, starting with a superb native grilled lobster with avocado, pink grapefruit and cashew salad from Thursday, Saturday 11, to August 13.

Pop in for dinner between August 18 and 19, and feast on native grilled lobster with garlic butter and skinny fries and if you visit between the 25th to 27th, there’s a divine butter-poached native lobster with new potatoes and samphire to look forward to.

“We’ve caught the best of these British beauties and brought them at their best to the pub,” continued Tom. “Native lobster is undeniably the best and there’s a real ‘wow’ factor in seeing a whole one arrive at your table. But be quick – they’re bound to prove popular and once they’re gone they’re gone. So book your table today!”

Native lobster dishes created by the chefs at The Thatch in Thame, will be served every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening during August, until they sell out.

To reserve your table, go to or call 01844 214340

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