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Council and police join forces to tackle illegal parking

On 05/08/2016 At 2:16 am

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, Thame news

Responses : 5 Comments

THAME Town Council and the Thame Neighbourhood Policing Team have launched a new, joint initiative, to tackle breaches in traffic regulations connected to parking in the town centre.

A typical example of bad parking in Buttermarket, Thame

A typical example of bad parking in Buttermarket, Thame

This follows a series of complaints to the town council that vehicles are staying over the two hour limit in the restricted bays in the town centre. Thames Valley Police in its Neighbourhood Update for August, has stated:

“This has been highlighted to the NHPT as a community concern and as having a negative impact on the vibrancy of the town centre area, for both local residents and business.

“During this joint partnership initiative vehicle details are recorded and the registered keepers contacted by letter from TVP. As part of the initiative, a number of vehicles have been recorded as contravening the two hour waiting limit on a regular basis.

“On identifying these details the local Neighbourhood team gives consideration to further options which can include visiting the registered keeper and the possibility of issuing Fixed Penalty Notices. This initiative currently continues as an ongoing partnership between Thame NHPT and the Thame town council.”

Tom Newitt, who owns a butchers’ in the town, has told Thame.Net that he observes people parking in the area outside his shop, for far longer than the allowed two hours, and that he knows of a particular employee of another town centre shop that parks in the area for the whole working day.

“That’s a parking place that could be used by several potential shoppers throughout the day,” he said. “But local people know the area is unlikely to be policed and just ignore the rules. I welcome any initiative to tackle this blatant disregard for the regulations.”

You can read the entire August Update HERE

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  1. A season ticket for the Cattle Market costs £201.50 a year if you’re driving into Thame for work. A quid a day is not expensive.

  2. This is why we need tesco , they are building more and more house in Thame, it’s only going to get worse.

  3. I think Mr Newitt has a bit of a cheek when at least one of his employees parks in the 2 hour parking all day every day, either outside the butchers or the thatch!

  4. Parking is bad all over Thame NOT just the town centre. We need someone to ensure the whole town is monitored. It’s ridiculous. People park on double yellows and at junctions. Nobody pays any attention to the regulations.

  5. the problem extends beyond the town centre. An area of grass at the junction of Cromwell Avenue and Berkeley Rd is now being used to park a Volvo 4 wheel drive.
    As well as negating the safety value of the vision splay, the grass will become mud in wet weather.

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