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Fill a Christmas shoe box for a needy child

On 25/11/2015 At 6:26 pm

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OPERATION Christmas Child, which is a charitable campaign run by Samaritan’s Purse, collects and sends Christmas wrapped shoe boxes filled with goodies for needy children aged 2 – 14 years, living in parts of Africa, Asia & Eastern Europe.

Volunteers at the Thame warehouse of Operation Christmas Child

Volunteers at the Thame warehouse of Operation Christmas Child

The charity now has a local warehouse in Thame, at Gregory Distribution, in Rycote Lane. Boxes are donated by churches, schools, local businesses, community groups and individuals, all of whom give up a little time, effort and money to contribute to this cause. Volunteers help out in many ways by working at the warehouse, collecting boxes, wrapping and filling shoe boxes, knitting, sewing and making other useful things at home.

For anyone who would like to contribute a Christmas box, the empty shoeboxes can be collected from most shoe shops. They are then wrapped in Christmas paper and filled with all sorts of lovely gifts ranging from toiletries (toothbrush & paste, soap, flannel, wash-bag), woollies (hat, scarf, gloves, socks), stationery (paper, writing/drawing pads, pens, pencils, chalk, crayons, felts, case, ruler, eraser and sharpener), sweets (with sell by date beyond March 2016), toys (balls, doll, car), puzzles, skipping rope, hand puppet, musical toy, figures, picture books, etc and of course a cuddly toy.

Every box has to be checked at the warehouse and a small percentage of boxes need to be topped up with ‘fillers’ when necessary. In order to do this we rely on donations of all of the above and would be so grateful to any individuals or local businesses who are able to provide us with these.

Independent Mortgae Solutions (RGB) - R1Anyone wishing to donate fillers or become a volunteer should contact the warehouse or to find out more please visit The warehouse can be found as you leave Thame on the Oxford Road, you take the first exit from the big roundabout going towards Great Milton. You pass the Ford Garage on the right, then ASM after the bend in the road is Gregory’s.

This year the charity is aiming to send 10,000 boxes to children in Zambia but are also distributing up to 25,000 to help neighbouring districts out as they have not been lucky enough to find a warehouse this year.

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