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Chinnor Neighbourhood Planners undaunted by 200 new homes go-ahead

On 19/10/2015 At 12:48 pm

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ChinnorNP-2Jul2015 (400x300)

CHINNOR Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group says it is determined to continue developing its plan despite last week’s announcements that outline planning permissions have been granted for 200 dwellings in the village, after successful appeals by Taylor Wimpey and Cemex Ltd.

Outline planning permission has been granted by England’s Planning Inspectorate to build 80 homes near Greenwood Meadow and 120 homes near Crowell Road.

Chinnor Parish Council decided to sponsor a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) in March 2015. It was recognised when the NP started in March 2015 that land for these developments was already in the hands of the developers and planning applications well under way. So it was unlikely that the Neighbourhood Plan would be at a stage where it would be able to influence the progress of these developments.

‘We can still influence what is built’

Peter Brook, Secretary ofthe Chinnor Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group said: “Nevertheless the Plan is proceeding, strongly supported by Chinnor Parish Council, because these planning permissions are only outline so there is a way to go yet and much that the Plan can influence. Objectives of the Plan include ensuring that the type and size of houses to be built will meet future needs of the residents of Chinnor, and that the facilities needed in Chinnor to support future developments such as schools, health facilities and infrastructure are provided as a condition of any development. The developers do not have a free hand. Planning Conditions are attached to all planning application. The Neighbourhood Plan can influence not just future developments but these developments as well.”

The Steering Group will be sending out a Housing Needs Survey to all households in Chinnor, Henton, Wainhill and Emmington, which it says will be a cornerstone for constructing the Plan.

‘We need Chinnor residents to get behind the plan’

“It is hoped that residents will get behind the NP team, by responding to surveys, attending consultation events and giving feedback so that work can proceed to produce a robust plan that will pass scrutiny and reach completion as soon as possible,” added Peter.

seans_choice_crendon_bedsZena Baker, Steering Group member responsible for the NP Steering Group Website added: “We need to join up as a community, and work towards ensuring that any development undertaken will meet all current requirements along with the extensive expansion to Chinnor’s infrastructure which will be required to support an enlarged residential area. We cannot let these approved appeals tear us apart. Let’s demonstrate that we can work together as a community, and complete the Neighbourhood Plan for the benefit of all our Chinnor residents for the years to come.

“The recent Inspectors’ reports are currently being urgently examined by the SODC Planning Officers and its legal team, to understand the findings against planning regulations and to identify the potential implications for the district. This information will be provided to the councillors and Parishes with a current interest, when this has been completed, along with advice on the way forward.”

‘Doing nothing is not an option’

Independent Mortgae Solutions (RGB) - R1Zena concluded: “The message to Chinnor residents is that we do need your participation and help to make the Neighbourhood Plan a success. Doing nothing is not an option! There are many ways in which you can help whether it be in the Steering Group, as a member of a Focus Group or just as a volunteer helper able to distribute leaflets and communications, report progress to your neighbours, get involved with surveys, or collate information for the Steering Group to work from.”

Chinnor Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group can be contacted via: Email:,

Website: and Facebook:

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