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3,000 say ‘no’ to Tesco in Thame

On 14/08/2015 At 6:58 pm

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

Responses : 12 Comments

A petition containing 3,000 signatures of people against a proposed supermarket on the outskirts of Thame, was today handed in to Thame’s Town Clerk.


Duncan Nickless of the Thame Centre First Campaign was supported by several independent retailers including the butchers, Wrens and Vic Winslade from Fore Golf Hire, and several other Thame businesses, who are among those against the building of a supermarket, commercial units and a petrol station on the DAF site.

The signatories to the petition, which includes residents, town centre retailers, other businesses, shoppers and visitors to the town, support Thame Centre First’s aim to stop the development from passing the planning stage, because they believe it goes against The Thame Neighbourhood Plan, would threaten the livlihoods of town centre independent retailers and therefore damage footfall and the economic viability and vitality of Thame Town Centre.

seans_choice_crendon_bedsThe Town Clerk, Graham Hunt, accepted the petition and said that it would be very useful to him in enabling him to present all the evidence and supporting material to present to the town councillors, who will decide their stance on the proposal at a council meeting on August 25.

An ePetition against the plans on the local planning authority’s website, South Oxfordshire District Council, has so far attracted 563 signatures (SEE FULL APPLICATION HERE) and an alternative ePetition, for the proposal, has so far attracted 153 signatures.

REALLY_final_IMS_advert_2015The ‘Thame Needs Tesco’ group (SEE LINK) believe that the proposal will bring benefits to the town including choice and competition, would encourage those who currently shop outside Thame to shop in Thame, would create new jobs and better pedestrian, cycle and bus links with other parts of Thame.

Thame Needs Tesco (TNT) has a facebook page:

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  1. Click on where it says ‘SEE HERE’ in last paragraph. or, go here direct:

  2. We’re is the page to say yes, ?

  3. I don’t know who’s been knocking on doors. No one has knocked at my door in Lea Park anyway. I’ll be seeing ‘the fors’ tomorrow and so will ask them.

  4. Sorry Sonja, I didn’t make that clear – either the “Thame needs Tesco” group or another pro-Tesco lobby have been knocking on doors asking people to sign their petition – it’s this petition that I’d be interested in knowing the numbers from.

    So far we have the 3000 signing the “Thame Centre First” petition, and 563 on the ePetition. Then only 153 signatures on the pro-Tesco ePetition.

  5. I think the clue is in the headline !!

  6. Sonja, my understanding is that there are 2 ePettions with 563 vs 153 in favour as per the article, but that there is a separate for petition and they have been around knocking on doors to drum up support. It’s this separate one that I’d be interested in knowing the numbers!

  7. I am one of hundreds who cannot do a main shop in Thame and travel to Wycombe, Aylesbury or Wheatley. Don’t understand why people think a Tesco will damage Thame town centre and I don’t want to. Look at all the hairdressers, charity shops, cofffee shops, arty/knick knack shops that populate the High Street. Tesco won’t take trade from Newitts, Wrens or Waitrose. Sainsburys may suffer but only of they don’t improve their pricing

  8. The answer to your question is in the article! Follow the link to the ‘fors’ petition.

  9. Tony, how is that any more ironic than an Englishman who comes from the country that gave us Waitrose, Sainbury’s, the Co-op and M&S saying the same things? BTW, it may have escaped you, but we already have all four of these! What I find more amazing is that outsiders can see the damage that a Tesco will do and people who live here can’t!

    As for Simon’s comment, it will; be interesting to contrast the 3000 who signed the Anti-Tesco petition with the number who signed the pro-Tesco one! Does anyone have this number yet?

  10. So Ariane who lives in Germany , a country that gave us Lidl & Aldi doesn’t believe in big stores , a bit ironic I think !

  11. I’m from Germany and I’ve visited Thame several times. My last stay in your lovely town was two weeks ago……You have such wonderful little stores in your town and you don’t need such a supermarket at the outskirts. So I totally support your petition.

  12. What a farce. Anyone can get 3000 signatures from local business owners, their employees, employees friends, business owners friends and so it goes on. They do not represent the general public. With the new houses being built in Haddenham & Thame the idea that we should only have the town centre to shop is ridiculous. 3000 people who need to get real.

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