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Artistic mums just clicked!

On 11/04/2014 At 4:38 pm

Category : Features, More News, Thame news

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Two young and talented ladies from Thame, both artists in their own fields, have formed a collaboration that they hope will help launch their careers to the next level.

Sugar Skull (400x365)




Lorna Shepherd is a Makeup Artist and Kayleigh Victoria is a photographer. When they first met in 2011, the two found that they had a lot in common – both are in their twenties and both have two children, Lorna two boys aged eight and four, and Kayleigh has three year-old twins, one a boy and one a girl – and a synergy soon developed between them.

They both describe themselves as having ‘very artistic and creative personalities’ which no doubt is why their decision to collaborate their two newly established businesses recently, works so well. Both grew up in Chinnor and both now live in Thame.

In 2007 Lorna learned that her mother was terminally ill with cancer and then in 2012, was told that her father also has terminal cancer. Although devastated, Lorna was inspired to achieve something that they could be proud of her for. For Kayleigh, there came a point a couple of years ago when she decided to take action and do something worthwhile with her life. Photography always stood out to her, so she started working at it and pushing herself to get noticed, and, as she says herself: “The response has been fantastic.”

Kayleigh enjoys taking pictures of everything, especially her children who, she says, ‘make amazing models’. Her portfolio ranges from family photoshoots to fashion and editorial work.

Lorna has done a varied range of jobs including wedding makeup, magazines and editorials, headshots and portfolio makeup models, including most recently UK top model 2014 finalist, Stacie Anderson from Aylesbury. When they are not busy doing their freelance work they love to collaborate together and work as a great team producing some marvellous images.

Lorna explains: “Our friends and family are really supportive of what we are trying to achieve. We both love and enjoy doing our jobs so we don’t have a preference of location or studio really; we’re happy to be a part of the action wherever the location may be!

“It’s not easy reaching your goal and, even if you are very skilled at makeup artistry you need to have the passion inside you to make it work. That is so important. I can’t wait to further my career in the industry and continue to learn and grow as a creative.”

Two of Lorna’s biggest inspirations are makeup artists Louise Young and Karla Powell. While Kayleigh’s greatest aspiration in the photography world is to be where her dad is now, a successful fashion and editorial photographer.

With a little bit of luck, and their shared ambitions, these two talented ladies are sure to make their mark in the creative worlds in which they have chosen to strive for success and recognition.


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