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You read it here first! SinFiction to headline FTMC

On 30/10/2013 At 9:35 am

Category : entertainment and leisure news, Thame news

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THE next First Thursday Music Club (FTMC) Open Mic night is on Thursday, November 7,  at the James Figg in Thame, and includes one of the hottest bands in the area, SinFiction, in its 10 o’ clock spot. Having recently released their debut album “Led by Verses”, and through their regular gigging, they are attracting a large and rapidly increasing number of followers.

SinFiction will headline at Thame’s First Thursday Music Club on November 7

The band boasts a diverse range of musical influences which include classic rock, dance and heavy metal, bring a natural flair for rhythm and melody to SinFiction’s song writing.

On stage, this combines with acoustic guitars, driving beats and soaring harmonic vocals to create a truly unique sound, resulting in the kind of catchy, memorable rock songs you think you’ve known all your life. “We have a traditional focus on song writing where melody is the most important aspect. Because of this even the more edgy tunes appeal to a wide range of people,” said Danny Brook, the drummer with SinFiction.

Round up some friends, get along, and have a great night out. Anyone can play just by signing up at the venue from 7.45pm. The music starts at 8.15pm.

Check out the club on Facebook “The First Thursday Music Club” or at: where you can find more info’ including contact numbers and addresses for the organisers

Useful links for SinFiction:


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