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How much are teachers worth?

On 21/10/2013 At 4:54 pm

Category : More News

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FROM September 2014 decisions about teachers’ pay will have to be based on their performance against National Teachers’ Standards. These standards alone are not enough to justify pay decisions to OFSTED, nor are they able to identify where development needs are for future leaders, according to Thame’s education HR specialists, SYLO and Associates.

Sally White, HR specialist with Sylo & Associates, Thame

Sylo and Associates are therefore holding a FREE seminar, aimed at Head Teachers, to help them understand more about how to implement the pay changes through their Schools Assessment and Appraisal Framework. 


SYLO Associates are talking to schools across the county to suggest a competency framework is used alongside the National Standards. Managing Partner, Sally White believes that whilst Oxfordshire teachers need to focus on what they are achieving and what they lack, it is only one aspect which needs to be balanced against their personal development needs.

Sally explained: “Whilst every school has to evidence each teacher has met the eight standards of competence the system as a standalone is flawed. In the first instance the standards are not detailed enough so schools will struggle to provide sufficient evidence and could face appeals because of the perception that pay decisions have been made on a whim without a detailed underpinning framework. It is highly subjective to define what is lacking in competence or indeed what is highly competent.

“Our competency framework gives the detail needed to look at expected requirements together with indicators to show progression and where there are development needs. Heads are already working every hour of the day and many need external help to develop the detail needed to put in place a better framework.
“Additionally the focus on schools needing to prove that a teacher isn’t meeting the regulated standards creates a very negative culture which should be balanced with a focus put on personal development. It is important to create a more positive culture by not just focusing on evidencing pay rises, but in providing clear development opportunities for individuals and teams and spotting future leaders.”

On this basis, SYLO Associates is hosting a ‘Pay Changes in Education’ Seminar on November 14,  in Oxford, aimed at Headteachers in the region, showing what was achieved from the successful pilot at Rush Common School, Abingdon.

Sally said: “What we have done at Rush Common is unique in providing a detailed framework and through our approach a positive culture to support the school in the development of their teachers. By working with the Senior Leadership team and teachers themselves, we got them to describe what they expected to see from a competent and excellent teacher.”

Maxine Evans, Head Teacher, Rush Common School said: “Utilising a competency framework alongside the Teachers’ Standards will support our leaders and managers in their relentless focus on improving teaching and learning and, allow us to implement relevant and targeted professional development at all levels.”

Rush Common School recognised the detail did not exist in the National Teachers’ Standards to effectively evidence and justify decisions and to support the personal or professional development of teachers. The challenges were:
School requirement to implement a new pay policy
Rush Common School identified a gap in assessment capability
School identified support required for leadership and organisational development
Support required to define the granular detail for a Competency Framework
Need to update all appraisal documentation to ensure competencies supported development and improve standards

Held an exploratory meeting with Head Teacher & Assistant Head to agree the process and developed a project plan.
Facilitated workshop with Senior Leadership Team to determine granular detail for a Competency Framework which was then designed to be aligned to Teaching Standards professional development but look at the fine detail of the progression through the main and upper pay scales
Reviewed appraisal documentation

Fully developed Competency Framework, Schools Assessment & Appraisal Framework – (SAAF) ™ with granular definitions
Updated and implemented appraisal documentation
Supported all the communication, including presentation of Framework to the teaching staff and liaison with the local trade union representatives, to help successfully embed the Competency Framework and revised appraisal processes.

Sally concluded: “Teacher evaluation systems are not just there to serve the purpose of documenting accountability but should be there to help improve professionalism and practise. More and more schools need external support to assess talent management, employee engagement and wellbeing, manage change and create personal development plans.”

“Pay Changes – evidence vs. whim”
Thursday, November 14,  2013
2.00pm – 4.00pm
Magdalen Centre, The Oxford Science Park, OX4 4GA

By joining this seminar, you will learn more about the successful pilot we ran at a school in Oxfordshire and understand more about how to implement the pay changes through our Schools Assessment & Appraisal Framework (SAAF)™. Our goal is to support your school and assist the raising of teaching standards by utilising robust appraisal methods.

To secure your FREE  place email or call one of the team on 01844 216290.


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